Kitty Clog is an aging woman who is determined not to go quietly into that good night. Lots of attitude, a motley crew of supporting characters (all played by star of Father Ted and Fair City Rose Henderson).
Kitty takes us with her on a rollercoaster journey to find her lost man. Threading a blurry line between humour and pathos; yearning and farce; belonging and marginalisation, The Good Crank is an exploration of the flip-flop existence of an older woman at odds with the world she has been squeezed into.
Written by: Alan McMonagle
Directed by: Gorettu Slavin
Presented By: Sight Nor Sound Theatre
Duration: 55 mins. No Interval
*Please note this show is in our studio space with unallocated seating. Please arrive early. Latecomers may not be admitted.
Special Bealtaine Bundle
Buy 3 shows for €48*
Discount applied at checkout
A Rare Journey – Nora Joyce’s Odyssey 1 – 3 May BOOK NOW
The Good Crank with Rose Henderson 12 – 16 May BOOK NOW
Tender Mercies 19 – 24 May BOOK NOW