‘A Dream Play’ written in 1901 by the famous Swedish playwright, August Strindberg, is a fantasy play in 14 scenes. It was written in 1901 and was first performed in Stockholm in April 1907. Considered one of Strindberg’s most influential dramas and an early precursor to dramatic surrealism, it focuses on Agnes, the daughter of the Vedic god Indra. She descends to Earth to look in on the problems of ordinary human beings. Over the course of the play she meets about forty characters, although the focus is on a select few, and each character is designed to represent a clear symbol or condition in humanity, such as the ongoing debate between religion and reason.
As she experiences the lives of humans, the play explores what she learns about humanity as she returns to the realm she came from. Exploring themes of human unhappiness, the meaningless of life, materialism, class struggle, the paradox of human existence, and the value of shallow things compared to true substance in human eyes. Strindberg suffered with his mental health throughout his life, a journey, which in turn, was the main influenced and inspiration for his works.
Presented By: Liberties College, Bull Alley
Directed By: Niall Jordan
Starring: Advanced Actor Training Students, Liberties College, Bull Alley
Duration: 120mins. One Interval
Age Suitability: 12+
*Please note this show is in our studio space with unallocated seating. Please arrive early.