My name is Ruth McKenna and I grew up in Northumberland.  Way aye man!  I’ve lived in Libya and Lebanon and live in Clondalkin now.  I have lots of interests.  Photography, gardening, extreme walking, writing, animal welfare, wildlife, kayaking, snorkelling.  When I was a child, I wanted to be a vet.  And now that I am happily retired, high on my bucket list is to get married!

Projects like Songs of Change are great for meeting people from all walks of life, and pushing you out of your comfort zone.  The exercises we did got my brain working!  I enjoyed every minute of them!  They allowed us to talk about personal feelings.  I worry about my health.  I have Cushing’s syndrome which is an inability to control my emotions so I cry at the most idiotic times, an event on telly, a stranger crying, a friend in need, weddings, funerals, even if I don’t know the person who has died.  It can be quite embarrassing!  It was great to be in a space that allowed for that.  I have other health issues but I don’t like to dwell on them.

Listening to music makes me happy.  And fresh air.  Nature.  The most significant moment of change in my life was when I was 21.  I got married at 20.  And I was widowed at 21.  Had that not happened, I wouldn’t be here now.