My name is Joyce, my family call me Joy, and I was named because a bowl of sugar fell when I was born.  There used to be a saying that spilled sugar brought joy.  I grew up in Crumlin and I live now in Kilnamanagh.  I am retired and help out with my granddaughter.  When she was born, we were told she might not live.  That moment changed me.  I don’t take anything for granted now.

I don’t worry too much for myself but as a mother and a grandmother I worry for my children and grandchildren.  It’s because of the way the world is changing, and not always for the best.  Playing with my granddaughter makes me feel childlike again, and very happy.  I like to read, do crosswords, I’ve recently taken up embroidery and I like to travel.  Travelling to Vietnam is on my bucket list, we had a trip planned but Covid prevented it.  It remains to be seen if it will happen now.  I wanted to be a nun or a teacher when I was a child.   

I didn’t get as involved with Songs of Change as much as I’d have liked because I had some stressful stuff going on for a while.  I’m not a fan of zoom either.  I loved some of the exercises.  Remembering objects from childhood.  For me it was a pillowcase.  And thinking about places we like to be.  I feel safe in my home and I love to be in nature, it’s where I feel I can be my true self, surrounded by mountains and the sea.  I did a reiki healing sound bath recently.  I like to try new things.  I was wild at school.  And when I was younger I enjoyed remembering my wilder self.  Kind words that were said to me?  Someone telling me they wished their mam was like me because they saw that I was interested in my children and grandchildren’s lives.  And the words I want to hear is that I matter.