2 Years on…..
As St. Patricks Day approached in 2020, news began to filter through that Coronavirus had reached Ireland and life and work as we knew it, was to drastically change to help keep us all safe. As an Arts/ Entertainment venue we were particularly exposed due to large gatherings in a closed environment.
Our last event was ‘Queen of Technicolor the Maureen O’ Hara Story’ on 12th March, 2022. We then began the process of postponing or cancelling events and issuing refunds, contacting disappointed event managers and reassuring many many worried artists who did not know when their next gig would happen. In response to this, The Civic set up a go fund me to support artists and raised over €58k. This initiative received worldwide reaction reaching coverage on
RTE, The Guardian in the U.K. and
blogs in the U.S.A. We then set about planning on how we would work from home and finally switched off the lights on 20 March 2020. The desk calendar marks this date.
Almost 2 years of stopping and starting, Covid signage and masks, capacity changes and postponements. We did achieve some great things such as outdoor events for children with Anna Newell, seeding of ideas in Ready, Steady, SHOW! our programme of work for children and young people, an outdoor installation across venues in Tallaght with RedBear Theatre, Cessair from SoloSIRENS outside the Civic along with numerous digital experiences and artists support.
Finally since early 2022, we have returned to full capacity and to a somewhat sense of normality. Our shows are selling out, such is the appetite for live connection and we cannot thank enough our patrons and supporters and our funders The Arts Council and South Dublin County Council for helping us ride the treacherous waves over the past 24 months. For now the waters seem a bit still and with Spring, fresh hope.

Desk Calendar from the day the theatre ‘went dark’ in 2022
The community-led Tallaght Community Council (TCC) project to gather art, merchandise, letters and momentos from the pandemic that capture our shared experience of Covid-19 will be buried in a specially-made time capsule, created by Tallaght Training Centre.

Time Capsule made by Tallaght Training Centre
This is a unique opportunity to be part of Tallaght history and to help tell the story to Tallaght in 2080 of what living through a global pandemic was like.
Read More about The Civic’s contribution to the time capsule in The Echo here