As one of the core values of our organisation, we continue to encourage and nurture children and young people’s active participation in the Arts. Partnering with the highest calibre of professional artists & theatre companies, we seek to serve the needs of all age categories, offering learning opportunities to engage with fun and meaningful Arts in Education and community programmes.

It is the voice of the child and young person that informs our creative approach to designing, making and producing innovative programmes that connect, engage and enhance social, personal and artistic development in a safe and welcoming space.  Working with Highrock Productions, we developed Scéalta Gasta as a series of three main interactions with schools this Autumn.

What is Scéalta Gasta?
Scéalta Gasta was a new series of workshops developed by High Rock Productions in conjunction with the Civic theatre, for primary school students based around Irish mythology. Through a series of fun energetic drama activites students prepare and perform  a version of a famous Irish story with props  and costume provided by us. These workshops develop and nurture self confidence and presentation skills in kids while also offering  teachers inspiration for the possibilities for drama in the classroom.

The Scealta Gasta Story from studio to tour to main stage….

In The Studio
From September 9th, 10th & 11th Sean & Niall McDonagh facilitated drama-led workshops with games & play in Irish at The Civic Studio with four participating schools to shape fast stories with class groups from Scoil Maelruain, St Dominics, St Mary’s NS and St Martin de Porres. 150 children from 4th, 5th & 6th Class participated in with the support from 6 Teachers & 6 SNAs

Based on the collaboration with the children from the storytelling workshops in September Scéalta Gasta went on Tour to 3 local primary/national schools from the area of South Dublin to refine 2/3 stories and present elements of these stories to their peers. 

Schools Mini-Tour
In October High Rock Productions visited 3 local schools on 9th, 10th & 11th October 2024: St Thomas NS Jobstown, St Damian’s NS Perrystown & Scoil Mhuire GNS. 150 children from 5th & 6th Class participated in these workshops.

On The Main Stage
These children returned with their Class Teachers & SNAs to The Civic Theatre for a mini-performance to their classes on Tuesday 15th October.
With 153 children performing on the day in the Main Space from the three schools: St Thomas NS Jobstown, St Damians NS Perrystown & Scoil Mhuire GNS Lucan.  They all loved it and the experience will stay with them as they had fun with their peers.  There was fantastic feedback from the 12 Teachers & SNAs who attended also.

According to Mary Sheehan, Education Executive at The Civic….
“High Rock Productions presented Scéalta Gasta (Fast Stories) a new Irish speaking Arts in Education programme for children from 4th – 6th Class (10-12 years) to enjoy shaping Irish Mythological stories and engaging with elements of theatre making and performance.
Scéalta Gasta, is a terrific programme and brilliantly facilitated by High Rock Productions.  What an achievement to engage so many children with storytelling, theatre-making and instilling a love of speaking Irish both in schools and at the theatre (on stage!)”

Children’s Feedback Quotes

  • I was surprised at how much Irish we used and didn’t even realise. It also surprised me by how fun it was even though it was Irish. 
  • I enjoyed the workshop so much because I get to have friends and practice acting skills and my drama. It was so good the people were so nice and fun. 
  • The civic theatre was a great experience and a great trip. We had fun learning with Seán and Niall. They had great energy. 
  • Working with Sean and Niall was so much fun. They were so enthusiastic and inclusive, and we had a great afternoon! Go raibh Maith agat!

Teachers Feedback
“I learnt loads about the children, watching them interact and seeing who was engrossed and motivated by drama was great for me to know. It was a lively workshop but you could tell Sean and Niall were experts at this”. Ciara McCarthy, St Dominics,

“The children loved it and found the Gaeilge really accessible and fun. It was brilliant to see how much Irish they were speaking”. Michelle Meaney, St Mary’s SNS Tallaght

“To see the children use Irish with such enjoyment is something that I think every class in Ireland deserves – perhaps that is the key to promoting our language”. Marcella Bligh, St Damian’s NS

“We had an absolutely wonderful experience working with Seán and Niall of Scéalta Gasta courtesy of the Civic Theatre… the children are still talking about it and it has re-invigorated the attitudes of the children in our classes towards the subject of Gaeilge”. Hannah Wilson, St Thomas NS

High Rock productions, was founded in 2011 by brothers Sean and Niall McDonagh. We are dedicated to producing innovative, shows, workshops and presentations to young people through the medium of Irish . Our touring shows for primary schools Seachtopus and Sceitimíní tour in February to April  and our smash hit comedy sketch show Caith amach é  based on the leaving Cert Irish Oral  exam oral tours from November until March.