We’ve been thinking a great deal lately about who we are and what we hope The Civic means to you, your community and family. As we approach the milestone of our 20th year it’s as if we’re coming of age; the future is so bright, our ambition bolder than ever, our hopes for you and yours soaring! We see ourselves as being so much more than a theatre, more a place of possibility where the spark of imagination can set off a journey of curiosity, wonder and discovery. First and foremost of course we are here to ensure you always enjoy a great night out with that extra special Civic welcome. Our place is your place; together we make The Civic come alive.
Our Mission, Vision & Values
A place of possibility, opportunity and transformation, where all people are inspired and nurtured to play a creative and civic role in our world.
To enrich the lives of all of the people in South Dublin County and beyond, by crafting and staging a range of shared cultural experiences that invite and provoke a meaningful journey of transformation.
Here are our values, they are what we aspire to be and live up to.
Our Visual Identity
To reflect our reimagined vision and values, we are delighted to also introduce you to a vibrant new look that’s going to be our calling card for the years ahead. We are colourful and versatile.
Our logo is warm and approachable to reflect our personality and trust, architectural and strong to reflect our roots and building and gutsy to reflect our ambitions for the future. We hope you like it!
Meet Civvie
This is Civvie, a very friendly sort who lives at The Civic and likes to welcome people, tell them all about what’s going on and generally have a great time. He is made up of the letters of our name.
We are excited about the future ahead… the next 20 years.
So come on in and share it with us
The Civic is generously funded by South Dublin County Council, The Arts Council, The Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and Creative Ireland.