As part of the world premiere of Theatre Club’s New Play ‘We Don’t Know What’s Buried Here’, we have appointed a curator to arrange a series of post-show discussions, related to the themes of the play. Elizabeth Kavanagh has been appointed to the role. The purpose of this role was to give back, a job for somebody in the community to engage with the people of Tallaght. We hope the talk will be interactive and encourage our citizens to discussions the issues they are passionate about, in their local Theatre. Elizabeth has also been working with Grace Dyas of Theatre Club and marketing manager Niamh Honer from the Civic on an extensive designing the audience programme which involved over 40 meetings with groups in Tallaght, Lucan and Clondalkin. See the most recent lists of panellists here:
Thursday 15th February
Gary Gannon: Councillor with the social democrats in the north inner city and working with the Magdalene Survivors in the fight against the selling of the Sean McDermott Street Laundries.
Ashley Perry: Flying over from Paris to be on the panel, Ashley Perry from Dublin is from the ‘Dublin Honours Magdalenes’ campaign and is working with ‘Justice for Magdalenes’ research.
Terri Harrison: Forgotten Mothers of Unnatural Separation and has written a book which was adapted for stage ‘No More Secrets, No More Lies (Letters of My Life)’.
Friday 16th February
Senator Lynn Ruane: A Tallaght resident, Lynn is an independent senator serving in Seanad Éireann, a former President of Trinity College Dublin’s Students’ Union and a lifelong activist and campaigner on issues of justice and equality.
Patrick Nevin: A traveller rights activist for 20 years or more, Patrick is a graduate of Trinity and I has worked in disabilities, and community development for over 20 years. He is presently the manager of Tallaght travellers CDP.
Mary Smith: Magdalene Survivor.
Saturday 17th February
Carley Bailey: Vice-Chair of Social Democrats, works with ParentsForChoice, Law & Political Science Student TCD. Lives in Firhouse.
Lyndsay Rehn:Magdalene Survivor.
Marie Bailey: Voice of the Community.
More details to follow on panel discussions.
Funded through an Arts Council Theatre Project Award
About the Play:
Tina and Bernadette, are digging a hole in the ground. They dig everyday, methodically, looking for what has been hidden from them.
They are Magdalene Ghosts. They heard about Tuam on the radio. One of them is digging to find her baby’s bones, the other is digging to expose the truth. Should they keep digging? Or is it better to leave the truth under the ground, where it belongs?
After all, people who dig to find out what’s buried aren’t treated very well in this country, risking legal action, and the ruination of their good name. So why keep going?
This is a powerhouse new play by Grace Dyas about class, value and work with support from Dublin Honours Magdalene’s, Jobstown Not Guilty and Senator Lynn Ruane.
“Taking conventional notions of theatre and its audience and shoving them back in our faces, with a few expletives thrown in.” – The Irish Independent
Presented by THEATREclub in association with The Civic
Written by Grace Dyas
Director, Composer: Barry John O’Connor
Designed by Barry John O’Connor and Eoin Winning
Starring: Grace Dyas and Doireann Coady
Photo By Dorje de Burgh
Age Suitability 13+
Thursday 15th – Saturday 17th February